grain commission

Canadian Grain Commission offers new on-line tool for determining grain volume and test weight

May 26, 2021 | 11:57am

  The Canadian Grain Commission has released a new online tool to help farmers quickly and accurately determine the volume and test weight of their grain. The test weight calculators for Canadian grains are available on-line for free on the Grain Commission’s website. The calculators make it easier for producers to calculate the test weight […]

Sask. Wheat encourages farmers to participate in the Canada Grain Act consultations

Feb 18, 2021 | 5:26am

The Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission is encouraging farmers to get involved in the review of the Canada Grain Act. The chair of Sask. Wheat, Brett Halstead, says farmers need to make their voice heard during the consultation process because the grain act has a direct impact on their farming operations. Halstead says the review is […]

Sask farmer reappointed to Canadian Grain Commission

Feb 1, 2021 | 11:10am

The federal government has reappointed Saskatchewan farmer Lonny McKague as Commissioner of the Canadian Grain Commission. McKague was first appointed as Commissioners in 2017 and has a new 3 year term. He has 40 years of experience as a farmer and is a founding member of Ogema Elevator Limited in Ogema. He is also  a […]

Ottawa names new chief of Canadian Grain Commission

Dec 29, 2020 | 10:18am

Federal agriculture minister Marie-Claude Bibeau has appointed Doug Chorney as chief commissioner of the Canadian Grain Commission. Chorney has been the acting chief since June and was appointed Assistant chief commissioner in 2017. Chorney was a Manitoba farmer for 24 years before joining the grain commission. Patty Rosher has been named the assistant chief commissioner […]

Canadian Grain Commission suspends grainhandling licenses of ILTA grain

Jul 12, 2019 | 1:00pm

  The Canadian Grain Commission has suspended the licenses of ILTA Grain, effective July 11th. ILTA was granted creditor protection by a BC court earlier this week. That creditor protection order is in effect until August 7th, unless an extension is granted. The pulse crop processor and exporter had been bonded by the Grain Commission […]

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