legislative building

Official portrait of Former Premier Brad Wall unveiled

Nov 30, 2022 | 4:22pm

Former Premier Brad Wall was joined by Premier Scott Moe, Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty, Provincial Secretary Tim McLeod, and other dignitaries for the official unveiling of Wall’s portrait in the Saskatchewan Gallery in the Legislative building. Wall served as the 14th Premier from 2007 until his retirement from politics in 2018. His painting now hangs […]

Remembrance wreaths now lay at the Legislative building

Nov 9, 2022 | 1:01pm

The Legislative Building has hosted its Service of Remembrance for the Public Service. The ceremony brought together dozens of government and military officials including Premier Scott Moe and Opposition leader Carla Beck. The ceremony consisted of officials sharing stories, prayers, the last post with a moment of silence, and the remembrance wreath laying. Moe spoke […]

A pair of protests with opposing views occur at Sask. Legislative Building

Feb 6, 2022 | 7:11am

Two duelling protests took place yesterday at the Saskatchewan Legislative Building. Protesters called for Premier Scott Moe to keep all current health orders in place. Jeff Walters, an instructor at the University of Regina and organizer of the protests, said they wanted to hold a demonstration to show that people want to keep the mandates. […]

Police Memorial to be held virtually Sunday

Sep 27, 2020 | 10:06am

The annual Saskatchewan Police and Peace Officers Memorial will look a little different this year due to COVID-19. Sunday’s event will not be open to the public and will be held virtually instead. Sgt. Casey Ward, the President of the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers says he’s disappointed the event won’t have a crowd but […]

Schwartz, Bozak bring Stanley Cup to Regina

Jul 6, 2019 | 2:35pm

Tyler Bozak (left) and Jaden Schwartz (right) lift the Stanley Cup in front of the Legislative Building in Regina on Saturday afternoon. (Photo: Moises Canales/620 CKRM)   It’s a busy summer for the Stanley Cup as it makes its journey around the globe with players from the 2019 National Hockey League champions – the St. […]

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