malt barley

Close to $1 million invested in Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre

Mar 4, 2022 | 4:33pm

The Federal Government has invested close to one million dollars to expand and develop new markets for Canadian barley and barley products. The Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food announced an investment of over $960,000 for the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC). Through the AgriMarketing Program, CMBTC will undertake marketing and promotional initiatives in major […]

Malt Barley Technical Centre releases list of recommended varieties for 2021

Nov 18, 2020 | 10:46am

  The Canadian Malt Barley Technical Centre has released a list of recommended malting barley varieties for spring seeding. Managing director, Peter Watts, says each of the recommended malt barley varieties hold the most promise for farmers in terms of marketing their barley for malt. He says all of the varieties have been pilot tested […]

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