Melissa Coomber-Bendsten

YWCA Regina recognizes International Women’s Day

Mar 7, 2021 | 11:45pm

Monday is International Women’s Day, and YWCA Regina is marking the occasion. CEO Melissa Coomber-Bendsten, says women face economic scrutiny, child care, homelessness, and violence issues every day. “Disproportionately, women are affected by that, and so I think the conversations around celebrating women’s accomplishments on International Women’s Day also come with a recognition of those […]

“Coldest Night of the Year” raises record amount for YWCA Regina

Feb 21, 2021 | 2:19pm

Reginans showed up-virtually- for the Regina YWCA’s Coldest Night of the Year, raising a record amount of money. The 6th annual event had a goal of $25,000. The event’s participants more than doubled that, raising $58,000. CEO of YWCA Regina Melissa Coomber-Bendsten says the support was overwhelming. “It’s absolutely inspiring, and I think it really […]

Coldest Night of the year sees record participation in 2020 walk

Feb 23, 2020 | 12:00pm

It is estimated that more than $25,000 was raised for Sunday night’s Coldest Night of the Year Awareness walk. The funds raised will go to local support programs that focus on preventing family homelessness in Regina. YWCA Regina CEO Melissa Coomber-Bendsten said this year, there were more walkers than ever before with 120 registered walkers. […]

YWCA Regina launches 2020 Coldest Night of the Year campaign

Jan 22, 2020 | 1:43pm

Regardless of the temperature that night, February 22nd will be Regina’s Coldest Night of the Year. YWCA Regina is holding their fifth annual cold weather homelessness campaign hoping to raise funds and spread the message for family homelessness and poverty programs. YWCA CEO Melissa Coomber-Bendsten said the timing of this event is to show the […]

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