After some technical difficulties Wednesday night, the province’s big game draw and Canadian resident white tailed deer draw will be re-opened and the deadline extended until next week The Ministry of Environment apologized for the issues that arose that verified Saskatchewan residency and affected access to the draws. The deadline has been extended until 5 […]
Its the time of year when the bears in Saskatchewan emerge from their dens, and begin the search for food. Black bears are found all through Saskatchewan, and keeping your yard free of the things that attract bears is the best way to avoid a bear encouter. When bears associate human activity with a food […]
The Government of Saskatchewan is urging people to be “bear aware” as the summer winds down. At this time of year, many bears have already started fattening up for hibernation, which makes them more attracted to possible food sources. Provincial Wildlife Biologist Matthew Tokaruk says in their hunt for food, bears tend to not be […]
Saskatchewan residents are invited to hit the lakes this weekend and take part in the province’s annual Free Fishing Weekend. The weekend is the only time of year when anyone who wants to fish can do so without a license. Provincial Sport Fishing Specialist Murray Koob says the weekend is usually pretty busy. “Our hope […]
As camping season ramps up, the Government of Saskatchewan is reminding people to be aware of bears while enjoying the outdoors. They say many of the province’s campsites are in bear country, and bears have been known to wander through the campgrounds on occasion. As a result, it’s important to store food and handle garbage […]
The Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation will be asking the Environment Minister about whether counter service can be re-instated at the Ministry of Environment offices where it was discontinued two years ago. It was March of 2019 when the provincial government announced closing 19 offices to the public. Darrell Crabbe understands that there […]
The province’s annual ban on pruning elm trees, to prevent Dutch elm disease, begins on April 1st and goes to August 31st. During this time, pruning elm trees is illegal. The ban occurs at the time when the elm bark beetles are most active. The beetles transmit DED. Fresh cuts from trimming trees can attract […]
The provincial government is asking for the help of hunters when it comes to monitoring the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease. Richard Espie from the ministry of environment says CWD was first found in Saskatchewan in 1996, and spread to wild mule deer in 2000. It now can be found in deer, elk and moose. […]