Naomi Hunter

Saskatchewan’s Green Party blaming SK COVID-19 deaths on government inaction

Jan 11, 2021 | 12:09pm

The Saskatchewan Green Party is accusing the Saskatchewan government of ignoring early post-election modelling that showed a likely surge in Covid-19. Health Minister Paul Merriman is quoted as saying, “At the time, we wanted to make sure that we were reacting to what we saw, not what could come on the horizon.” Green Party leader […]

Saskatchewan Green Party unveils platform for provincial election

Oct 19, 2020 | 4:15pm

The leader of the Green Party in Saskatchewan says introducing CERB during COVID-19 showed the entire country that the social safety net program is a leaky boat. Naomi Hunter says at $2,000 per month, it would be comparable to the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit that was initiated at the beginning of the pandemic and it […]

New leader for Saskatchewan’s Green Party

Mar 1, 2020 | 1:45pm

Naomi Hunter has been elected as the new leader of the Saskatchewan Green Party. Hunter, who ran in Regina-Lewvan in the last federal election, won on the first ballot Saturday defeating George Woolridge and Maria Lewans. She says it is her plan to have someone running in all of Saskatchewan’s 61 ridings when the provincial […]