
Teachers Announce Job Action for Thursday March 14th

Teachers Announce Job Action for Thursday March 14th

Mar 11, 2024 | 10:57am
The feud between the provincial government, and teachers is continuing with no end in sight. Teachers are kicking off the week with a ban on all extra curricular activities province wide, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. That means teachers will not take part in the organization, supervision and facilitation of activities including athletics, non-curricular arts, field […]
Teachers Refuse to Take Bait: No Deal Til Gov Issues “Irrevocable Collective Agreement”

Teachers Refuse to Take Bait: No Deal Til Gov Issues “Irrevocable Collective Agreement”

Mar 7, 2024 | 5:08am
*Updated with Quotes from Samantha Becotte* The tension between Saskatchewan’s teachers and the provincial government reached new heights today as Premier Scott Moe yesterday unveiled a significant education funding increase of $180 million. The move, strategically timed ahead of the budget’s official introduction on March 20th, was met with skepticism and accusations from the Saskatchewan […]

CN, union at loggerheads on wages, conditions as strike enters third day

Jun 20, 2022 | 10:27am

Canadian National Railway Co. says it has gone the extra mile to meet union demands amid a strike by signal and electrical workers, who say the concessions do not go far enough. About 750 CN employees represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers walked off the job across the country Saturday morning. In an […]