notwithstanding clause

Three Union Groups Join Forces to Fight Saskatchewan’s Gender and Pronoun Policy

Three Union Groups Join Forces to Fight Saskatchewan’s Gender and Pronoun Policy

Jul 15, 2024 | 9:50am
The Canadian Union of Public Employees, the Canadian Teachers Federation, and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour are all teaming up to fight the provincial governments gender and pronoun policy. In particular, the Sask Party Government’s use of the not withstanding clause of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. All three groups are concerned the policy […]
Alberta to intervene in Sask.’s Parents Bill of Rights appeal

Alberta to intervene in Sask.’s Parents Bill of Rights appeal

Apr 10, 2024 | 5:21am
The province of Alberta will be an intervenor in Saskatchewan’s appeal of the Parents’ Bill of Rights case going to the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal. The province is appealing the decision of Justice Michael Megaw at the Court of King’s Bench on the UR Pride court case against the province’s Parents’ Bill of Rights legislation […]
Judge Reserves Decision in Pronoun and Gender Case

Judge Reserves Decision in Pronoun and Gender Case

Jan 12, 2024 | 11:01am
Lawyers for the provincial government argued for a judge to dismiss a challenge of a law that requires parental consent when children under 16 want to change their names or pronouns at school. Deron Kuski told court the law doesn’t breach the Charter and is in the best interest of gender-diverse children. He said children could be […]
Gender and Pronoun Law being challenged in court

Gender and Pronoun Law being challenged in court

Jan 10, 2024 | 8:41am
A judge will be hearing a legal challenge over a law that requires parental consent when children under 16 want to change their names or pronouns at school. The law was put in place and is protected by the “not withstanding” clause of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Lawyers for UR Pride, an LGBTQ organization […]
Saskatchewan legislature prepared for final vote on pronoun bill

Saskatchewan legislature prepared for final vote on pronoun bill

Oct 20, 2023 | 7:47am
Saskatchewan politicians are returning to the legislature today for third reading on the government’s proposed pronoun bill.  If the bill is passed at third reading, it would become law in the province once it receives royal assent.  The bill would prevent children under 16 from changing their names or pronouns at school without receiving parental consent. […]
Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission asks province to reconsider pronoun bill

Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission asks province to reconsider pronoun bill

Oct 19, 2023 | 10:06am
The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission is asking the province to reconsider its proposed pronoun legislation, saying it infringes upon the rights of students.  In a letter, the commission says invoking the notwithstanding clause to override the provincial Human Rights Code significantly affects the rights of minors.  It says the code is meant to protect all residents equally […]
Students in Regina walk out of class in protest of pronoun legislation

Students in Regina walk out of class in protest of pronoun legislation

Oct 17, 2023 | 3:17pm
More than two dozen students at a Regina high school have walked out of class in protest of the Saskatchewan government’s proposed pronoun legislation. It was among several walkouts that had been planned across the province.  Those who participated say the legislation is harmful to students who aren’t ready to come out to their parents at home. […]
‘Harmful’: Human rights commissioner resigns over Saskatchewan’s pronoun bill

‘Harmful’: Human rights commissioner resigns over Saskatchewan’s pronoun bill

Oct 17, 2023 | 7:55am
Former Saskatchewan human rights commissioner Heather Kuttai says she spoke with her son before she decided to resign on Monday over the province’s proposed pronoun legislation.  Her son, who’s transgender, told her not to go quietly.  “That was kind of my light, I think,” Kuttai told The Canadian Press. “We all hear those stories, but this one, […]
Saskatchewan pronoun policy doesn’t do enough to mitigate harms, say legal professors

Saskatchewan pronoun policy doesn’t do enough to mitigate harms, say legal professors

Oct 15, 2023 | 11:41am
Saskatchewan legislation that requires parental consent when children under 16 change their names or pronouns at school fails to ensure gender-diverse youth aren’t harmed, say two legal professors.  The Saskatchewan Party government tabled the bill with the notwithstanding clause last week, overriding sections of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Saskatchewan’s Human Rights Code. A judge granted […]