Phase 2

SIGA to reopen all casinos on June 20th

May 28, 2021 | 11:43am

SIGA announced Friday that all their casinos are set to reopen on June 20, coinciding with Phase 2 of the province’s reopening roadmap. The casinos, except for Gold Horse Casino which is set to open at 11:00 am, are set to open at 10:00 am that day to maximum of 150 people. They add physical […]

Phase 2 of Re-Opening Roadmap to begin June 20

May 24, 2021 | 2:00pm

The provincial government announced that Saskatchewan has reached the Step Two threshold on the province Re-Opening Roadmap, with over 70 per cent of Saskatchewan residents age 30 and older having received their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine. Step Two will begin on Sunday, June 20 – three weeks after Step One which begins on Sunday, May […]

Province happy to be able to launch Phase 2 vaccination plan sooner than expected

Mar 18, 2021 | 4:45pm

The Government of Saskatchewan announced it will be moving into Phase 2 of its vaccination rollout plan. The new phase will allow people under the age of 70 to receive their vaccines in decreasing age order. Health Minister Paul Merriman says it’s exciting to be able to offer vaccines to more people, sooner than expected. […]

Province defends Phase 2 of vaccine rollout plan, say its best way to avoid severe outcomes

Feb 11, 2021 | 4:52pm

The Government of Saskatchewan is asking people to be patient and keep the course until more vaccines become available. As it stands right now, Saskatchewan has used over 100 percent of its available vaccines, and are waiting on more from the federal government. Premier Scott Moe says with Phase 2 of the province’s vaccine rollout […]

Sask NDP calling to delay Phase 2 of reopen plan

May 7, 2020 | 1:56pm

The Saskatchewan NDP raised their concerns about what they see as a lack of proper guidelines for businesses to reopen in Phase 2 of the ReOpen Saskatchewan Plan on May 19th. NDP Leader Ryan Meili says that the government failed to do its job in consulting businesses, like hair salons, on how to reopen properly. […]