poppy fund

Support Branch 001 Regina RCL

Support Branch 001 Regina RCL

Oct 17, 2024 | 11:14am
The Royal Canadian Legion, Regina Branch 001 needs your help. As November looms, we start to think about the Royal Canadian Legion branches and how important they are to the community. Note how many branches are closing their buildings due to the lack of members. While the days of our parents, grandparents and great grandparents […]

Legion says poppy boxes stolen during Remembrance Day ceremonies

Nov 13, 2019 | 10:15am

A number of poppy boxes were stolen again this year in Regina. Ron Hitchcock with the Regina Royal Canadian Legion says during a few of the Remembrance Day ceremonies in the Queen City, about 10 boxes were stolen. “That could be a significant amount of money which is going directly to the care and welfare […]

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