
Nominating Saskatchewan’s roughest roads (audio)

Nominating Saskatchewan’s roughest roads (audio)

Apr 11, 2024 | 10:38am
There is a song by Corb Lund called “Roughest Neck Around,” however CAA Saskatchewan is looking for the roughest road around. The annual CAA Worst Road contest is back for another year. “We do share the results with those who are responsible for maintaining and repairing – municipal and provincial governments,” explained Christine Niemcyzk of […]

City crews working to repair potholes as construction season begins

Apr 26, 2023 | 2:53pm

With Regina experiencing its second and hopefully last spring melt, potholes have again appeared across Regina roads. Colin Midgley, the manager of roadway maintenance operations with the City of Regina, said crews are already busy using temporary patches. “Typically, our main pothole permanent patch season is from May until pretty much the end of October.” […]

Time is running out to vote on province’s worst roads

Apr 28, 2022 | 11:40am

Voters in CAA Saskatchewan’s Worst Roads are saying there’s nothing quite like Mayfair Crescent in Regina. Mayfair is the number one in the list of the worst roads in the province, which is voted online by the public. CAA Saskatchewan’s Christine Niemczyk said there are many reasons why roads get nominations and votes from road users. “Most […]

Spring melt unveiling potholes

Mar 22, 2022 | 5:00am

The City of Regina has had a busy start to the year, receiving requests to fill potholes. The City has received 169 requests this year from January 1 to March 21, almost double last year’s three-year high of 84 last year. With all those requests, crews will be busy. However, Chris Warren, the director of […]

Prevention possible for perennial pothole problem: tire expert

Mar 19, 2022 | 5:52am

As with spring every year, potholes can cause more than just a little bump in your ride. Mark Gamracy, manager at Quality Tire in Regina, said they are seeing a lot of wheel and tire damage due to potholes. “A lot of tires nowadays, there’s not a lot of rubber on the tire itself. They’re pretty […]

University of Saskatchewan Conducts Pothole Study

Mar 11, 2022 | 12:27pm

Potholes are a staple on Saskatchewan roads and other regions where the freeze-thaw cycle between seasons is commonplace. Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Engineering are using the Canadian Light Source as part of their research to see if recycled materials can be used to build durable roads in climates that experience significant […]

City says pothole problem no bigger than other years despite recent weather

Apr 19, 2021 | 3:48pm

It is pothole season in Regina. The City says the spring thaw did start a little than earlier which meant crews could get out to start some temporary repairs with permanent repairs starting in a couple of weeks. Evan Guenther is the City of Regina’s roadways and maintenance says this recent weather hasn’t caused any […]

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