
Sask Stock Growers push for beef pricing investigation

Jul 6, 2022 | 5:14am

The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association is calling on the federal and provincial governments for a cattle and beef pricing investigation. Stock Growers president Garner Deobald of Hodgeville says ranchers and feedlots are operating at a loss while packers and retailers are making huge profits. Deobald warns of significant downsizing of cattle numbers across Canada because […]

NFU calls for federal investigation in high fertilizer prices

Feb 25, 2022 | 1:08pm

  The National Farmers Union has renewed a call on the federal government to investigate farm fertilizer pricing. President Katie Ward told the Commons agriculture committee last week fertilizer companies are charging exorbitant prices. She wants the agriculture committee to investigate all the factors behind fertilizer prices. Ward says the fertilizer companies blame high prices […]

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