
Federal government moves to end port strikes, orders binding arbitration

Federal government moves to end port strikes, orders binding arbitration

Nov 12, 2024 | 9:58am
Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon is intervening to end the work stoppages at ports in both British Columbia and Montreal.  The minister said Tuesday the negotiations have reached an impasse and he is directing the Canada Industrial Relations Board to order the resumption of all operations at the ports and move the talks to binding arbitration. […]
Port workers’ union accuses BC Maritime Employers Association of ending talks early

Port workers’ union accuses BC Maritime Employers Association of ending talks early

Nov 10, 2024 | 1:42pm
A labour dispute continues to paralyze cargo shipping at British Columbia ports, and the union for locked-out workers is accusing employers of abruptly ending contract talks early. The International Longshore and Warehouse Local 514 says the BC Maritime Employers Association ended federally mandated talks with a mediator less than an hour after they began late Saturday afternoon. […]
Op-Ed: The Great Train Robbery

Op-Ed: The Great Train Robbery

Nov 1, 2024 | 8:44am
November 7, 1885, a historic day in Canada’s economic development with the momentous completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), marked by the driving of the last spike. This pivotal event not only symbolized the physical unification of the country but also ignited a tradition of profitable railways lobbying for governmental support that has persisted […]
CN Rail President and CEO In Regina for the Hill Business School Dinner.

CN Rail President and CEO In Regina for the Hill Business School Dinner.

Oct 9, 2024 | 11:39am
Tracy Robinson, the president and CEO of Canadian National Railway, is making a visit to Regina, and its a homecoming of sorts. Robinson was born in Bethune, and went to Lumsden High School. After attending USask in Saskatoon, Robinson began work with what was then, Canadian Pacific Rail. After working with TC Pipeline, she returned […]
Teamsters challenge minister’s move to resume rail service as CPKC lockout drags on

Teamsters challenge minister’s move to resume rail service as CPKC lockout drags on

Aug 23, 2024 | 11:09am
Rail workers pushed back hard Friday against the federal government’s move to get them back on the job, with a new strike notice and a regulatory challenge making it unclear when freight traffic will fully resume. At Canadian National Railway Co., trains began to move again Friday morning as workers started to trickle back to […]
Rail companies, union to resume talks as lockout shuts down both major railways

Rail companies, union to resume talks as lockout shuts down both major railways

Aug 22, 2024 | 8:24am
Bargaining between workers and the country’s two largest railways is set to resume Thursday morning after breaking off shortly before midnight — a deadline that left workers locked out by Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Kansas City in their first-ever simultaneous work stoppage. Following months of increasingly bitter negotiations, traffic on the freight railways […]
Teamsters union serves strike notice to CPKC; CN Rail issues lockout notice

Teamsters union serves strike notice to CPKC; CN Rail issues lockout notice

Aug 19, 2024 | 9:47am
More than 9,000 workers at Canada’s two major railways could be either on strike or locked out as of Thursday, disrupting supply chains relied upon by many industries.  The union representing thousands of workers at Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd. says it has served a 72-hour strike notice to the railway. The Teamsters Canada Rail […]
Railways halt more shipments ahead of potential lockout as bargaining tensions rise

Railways halt more shipments ahead of potential lockout as bargaining tensions rise

Aug 16, 2024 | 10:25am
The country’s two main freight railways are ramping up the amount of cargo being turned away ahead of a potential lockout next week that could snarl supply chains and disrupt industries. Canadian National Railway Co. schedules show that, starting today, it is barring container imports that originate at ports ranging from New York City to […]
Undetected broken rail led to fiery  train derailment in Saskatchewan: report

Undetected broken rail led to fiery train derailment in Saskatchewan: report

Oct 5, 2023 | 4:11pm
A Transportation Safety Board of Canada report says an undetected broken rail led to a fiery train derailment in Saskatchewan in 2019 that spilled about 1.77 million litres of oil.  The Canadian Pacific Railway train, which had 101 cars mostly filled with oil, had been loaded in Alberta and was headed to Oklahoma.  Just after midnight, the train was travelling east […]

In backrooms and on social media, battle rages over law to expand railway competition

Jun 11, 2023 | 8:17am

A new rail shipping rule is poised to drive up inefficiency and consumer costs. Or it will drive them straight down. It depends who you ask. Set to come into effect with Ottawa’s federal budget bill, an obscure law has Canada’s two main railways fighting back over concerns about expenses and congestion, with the drama […]

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