re-open Saskatchewan plan

Date for Phase 4 Part 3 of Re-Open Saskatchewan plan to be unveiled Tuesday

Jun 29, 2020 | 11:02pm

A date for Phase 4 part 3 of the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan will be announced Tuesday afternoon at the Saskatchewan Legislature. Part 3 would allow indoor sports to continue, while also allowing indoor rinks and pools, casinos and bingo halls to open. Premier Scott Moe says the province has done well from a health perspective […]

Regina ball parks to open Monday

Jun 19, 2020 | 2:53pm

The City of Regina is preparing athletic fields and ball parks to open in stages, beginning on Monday. The reopening of facilities aligns with Phase 4, Part 1 of the province’s Re-Open Saskatchewan plan. Community operated ball parks will be open first. Those parks include Broad and 9th Avenue North, Columbus Park, Kiwanis Park, Kiwanis […]

Restaurants excited to re-open as part of Phase Three of Saskatchewan’s Re-Open plan

May 22, 2020 | 8:02am

Restaurants will be able to open at 50% capacity as part of Phase Three of the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan starting June 8th, and that’s positive news for the Saskatchewan Hotel Hospitality Association. President and CEO Jim Bence says this will help restaurants recuperate after COVID-19 forced them to close their doors from in-house food service […]

Province announces five phase plan to begin re-opening Saskatchewan May 4th

Apr 23, 2020 | 10:32am

As promised in his speech to Saskatchewan people Wednesday evening, Premier Scott Moe and Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab have announced a five phase plan to begin re-opening Saskatchewan, as COVID-19 numbers continue to be relativity low. Current restrictions around travel and mass gatherings will remain in place for the foreseeable future. Moe […]

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