
SCIC increasing Guardian Dog Rebate

SCIC increasing Guardian Dog Rebate

Jul 4, 2024 | 3:14pm
Changes have been made to the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation’s (SCIC) Guardian Dog Rebate Program. Under the Wildlife Damage Compensation and Prevention Program, changes to the rebate will help to make it more affordable for producers to prevent wildlife damage to livestock, by upping the maximum rebate per dog from $100 to $400 per dog. […]

Water Security Agency offers 50-50 rebate for communities undertaking flood prevention projects

Aug 15, 2023 | 1:50pm

Communities that are implementing preventative measures against flooding can cover up to half the cost through a rebate from the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency. The 50/50 rebate, through the Flood Damage Reduction Program, is for cities, towns, villages, and hamlets at-risk of flood damage. WSA Spokesman Sean Osmar says this type of program is offered […]

SaskEnergy offering rebates to those wanting to be more energy-efficient

Jul 12, 2021 | 8:14am

SaskEnergy is once again offering their rebate program for those wanting to switch to more energy-efficient equipment in their home. Spokesperson Alana Johnson describes how it works. “We work closely with our network members in Saskatchewan, so customers interested in accessing the rebate program reach out to our network members and begin the process,” said […]

SaskPower bills will now be less as gov’t fulfills one campaign promise

Dec 1, 2020 | 2:24pm

The Saskatchewan Party can cross one of its election promises off the list. As stated during the election campaign, the government is providing all SaskPower customers a 10 percent rebate on their bill for the next 12 months. The rebate will apply to the “electrical charges” section of customers’ bills, which includes the basic monthly […]

Federal electric-vehicle rebate uses half its three-year budget in eight months

Jan 27, 2020 | 2:42pm

A new federal rebate program to encourage Canadians to buy electric cars is proving more popular than expected. Transport Minister Marc Garneau allocated $300 million over three years to the program last May but nearly half of it was spoken for in just the first eight months. More than 33,000 Canadians received the rebates of between $2,500 and $5,000 […]

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