The latest public offering of oil and gas parcels in Saskatchewan netted the province over $9.3-million dollars. The Estevan area generated the most interest, bringing in just over $4-million for 52 leases totalling over 52-hundred hectares. The Kindersley area also saw considerable interest, bringing in $3.6-million for 10 leases totalling over 65-hundred hectares. Accepted bids […]
The pace of house sales continues to slow in Saskatchewan. According to the Saskatchewan Realtors Association, there were 854 sales across the province in the month of February. That’s down 19 percent compared to February of last year. “We continue to see higher lending rates and supply challenges contribute to a pullback in sales,” said […]
Black Friday has arrived, and many local businesses are excited about the upcoming rush of shoppers. Tony Playter, CEO of the Regina and District Chamber of Commerce, said it’s a great opportunity for everybody to help out local businesses. “The key is to shop local,” he stated. “You’re helping your neighbours, your friends, and their […]
The latest figures show sales of farm tractors were down last month in Canada. The latest figures from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, says tractor sales were down 10.7 percent in July, down in all two-wheel drive sectors, although four wheel drive tractors were up 28 percent. Combine harvester sales fell 32 percent last […]
The latest data shows Canadian and U.S. farm tractor monthly unit sales fell in June, while harvester sales grew in both countries. The details from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers says tractor sales were down 5 percent in Canada and 8.2 percent in the U.S. in June. However, in Canada, two wheel drive units […]
Canada’s farm show wrapped up Thursday in Regina with officials calling the show a huge success. Real’s vice president of Agriculture, Kurt Westgard, says attendance has been outstanding with opening day attendance up 18 percent from 2019. He believes the show will generate farm equipment sales ranging from 100 to 300 million dollars. The Farm […]
The housing market has cooled a little in Saskatchewan, especially when its compared to last year. According to the Saskatchewan Realtors Association, sales province-wide were 1547 sales in April, down from the hot April of 2021. The increase in interest rates is one of the reasons, but the bigger one is a lack of inventory, […]