
Ed Minister accused of trying to influence teacher vote

Ed Minister accused of trying to influence teacher vote

May 9, 2024 | 5:43am
Saskatchewan’s education minister is being accused of trying to influence a teachers vote after saying he’s not ruling out extending the school year should educators reject his offer and take job action.  Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation president Samantha Becotte says Jeremy Cockrill’s remarks are disappointing as members decide whether they want to accept the deal. Teachers are voting […]
Teachers at Impasse with Government: Will Vote to Impose Sanctions

Teachers at Impasse with Government: Will Vote to Impose Sanctions

Oct 16, 2023 | 11:06am
The Teachers’ Bargaining Committee has hit a roadblock in negotiations with the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee, leading them to request conciliation. On October 24 and 25, teachers will vote on whether to impose sanctions. Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation President Samantha Becotte expressed frustration, saying, “The government’s lack of significant movement on crucial issues for teachers, students, and […]

SaskWheat market analyst says Russia is weaponizing food

May 26, 2022 | 5:50am

As weather warms, Russia is using wheat rather than energy to try to end economic sanctions imposed after the invasion of Ukraine. Marlene Boersh with Mercantile Consulting Venture compiles the weekly market report for the Sask Wheat Development Commission. She says Russia refused a UN request for export corridors for Ukrainian wheat shipments. Boersch says […]

Prime Minister Trudeau putting pressure on Russian elites and financial groups in wake of invasion

Feb 24, 2022 | 1:37pm

International reaction to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine  is coming swiftly – with promises to crush Poutin’s economic power. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with  Ukrainian President Zelensky before he  addressed the nation today  – showing solidarity with the people of Ukraine. “Russia’s actions stand in direct opposition to the democratic principles that generations […]

Hoopla regional and provincial tournaments in jeopardy according to SHSAA

Mar 10, 2020 | 9:47am

The Saskatchewan High School Athletic Association says if sanctions are not lifted by Wednesday afternoon at 3:30, this year’s Hoopla regional and provincial tournaments will be cancelled. The sanctions, announced the the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation, would require teachers arrive at school no earlier than 15 minutes before school starts, and then leave 15 minutes after […]

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