Saskatchewan farmers forced to write off drought-afflicted crops are being asked to consider ways to turn those crops into cattle feed instead. The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS), an industry association, put out a plea recently to grain farmers to help their rancher neighbours get through another summer of drought. APAS president Ian Boxall […]
It’s an area of farmland Ryan Maurer says is worth as much as a Lamborghini. High run-off flooded one of his fields in spring 2022, leaving shallow pools of water. This was before the farmer opened ditches to drain it. “Would you take your Lamborghini and park it in a slough?” Maurer asked on his […]
Harvard Media and Harvard Media News is announcing the launch of “Sask Ag Today dot com”. The new web site is dedicated to covering the fast-moving prairie agricultural industry. With its launch coinciding with the opening of Ag in Motion in Langham, SK, Harvard Media is more than doubling its investment in agricultural news and […]
A new rail shipping rule is poised to drive up inefficiency and consumer costs. Or it will drive them straight down. It depends who you ask. Set to come into effect with Ottawa’s federal budget bill, an obscure law has Canada’s two main railways fighting back over concerns about expenses and congestion, with the drama […]