Saskatchewan. highways

Sask. Highways looking for input on future intersection near Grand Coulee

Feb 8, 2021 | 7:13am

The Ministry of Highways is looking for input on the future of the intersection of Highway #1 and the Grand Coulee access road. The ministry has launched a survey asking anyone who has an interest in the future development to take part. Spokesperson Patrick Book says it’s become clear that eventually, this project needs to […]

Passing lanes being introduced at highways 9 and 10 near Yorkton

Aug 9, 2019 | 9:00am

Work will start this fall on passing lanes between Melville and Yorkton, and Yorkton and Canora on Highways 10 and 9. The cost of the project is about $34.9 million with a scheduled completion date of October 15, 2020. It will see six passing lanes built, along with intersection improvements and realignments, access consolidation, 55 […]

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