The President of the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) has been busy this summer working on the drought issue. Ray Orb has been touring areas affected by dry conditions, talking with Rural Municipality officials and attending townhall meetings hosted by the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association (SCA). The conditions have been forcing R.M.’s to declare agricultural […]
A rancher was at a townhall meeting in Kindersley on Tuesday about the drought and what supports are available. Arlene Boisjoli, who has a ranch south of Kindersley, says the meeting was well-attended by producers and representatives from Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation, Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association, Farm Credit Canada, and a few R.M. Reeves. She says […]
The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association is calling on the federal and provincial governments to take additional action to assist livestock producers facing extreme drought conditions across the province. Stock growers President Garner Deobald farms near Hodgeville, between Swift Current and Moose Jaw. He says since early June, the drought has continued to expand in size […]