Black Friday has arrived, and many local businesses are excited about the upcoming rush of shoppers. Tony Playter, CEO of the Regina and District Chamber of Commerce, said it’s a great opportunity for everybody to help out local businesses. “The key is to shop local,” he stated. “You’re helping your neighbours, your friends, and their […]
Laurie O’Connor says more people in Saskatoon are struggling to get food for themselves and their families as the prices in grocery stores rise out of reach. A newly released Canada-wide survey found people in the Prairie provinces were much more likely to have used emergency measures like food banks or a community fridge. The […]
Changes are coming to the Cornwall Centre. The mall has announced three new stores coming to the shopping centre this Spring, including Urban Planet in the upper portion of the old Sears location, Eclipse near the Source and Gong Cha Bubble Tea near Laura Secord. Ardene will also be moving to part of the lower Sears spot […]