After four days, 25 witness testimonies, and four hours of deliberation, the jury of the inquest into the death of Samwel Uko gave their recommendations. The 20-year-old from Abbotsford, B.C., died on May 21, 2020, while in Regina visiting his aunt. Uko had sought help at the Regina General Hospital for mental health issues twice. […]
Tristan Durocher’s 44-day protest and fast is over and his teepee along with the “Walking With Our Angels” camp is gone. However, the discussion in the aftermath of the anti-suicide advocates remains. Durocher, who had been camped out across the street from the Saskatchewan Legislature, got a boost from a Regina judge Friday when he […]
The fate of a Metis man’s hunger strike to highlight suicide rates will be decided by a Saskatchewan judge after hearing arguments from the government and protesters about what’s at stake. Tristen Durocher, a 24-year-old Metis man, erected a teepee on a lawn in front of Saskatchewan’s legislature after walking more than 600 kilometres from […]
The Saskatchewan NDP has joined the family of Samwel Uko in calling for a public inquiry into the province’s high rates of suicides and an apology from Health Minister Jim Reiter. NDP leader Ryan Meili said not only does Minister Reiter need to accept responsibility on behalf of the government, but a public inquiry is […]
A bill presented by NDP Northern Affairs Critic Doyle Vermette in November 2019 was voted down on Friday afternoon at the Saskatchewan Legislature in Regina. Bill No. 618 — The Saskatchewan Strategy for Suicide Prevention Act presented a new plan for suicide prevention province-wide, the second time that it was brought forward by the MLA […]
The NDP is calling on the SaskParty government to launch a coroner’s inquest into the death of Samwel Uko, who was pulled from Wascana Lake in Regina in late May. Opposition leader Ryan Meili says Uko was suicidal and went to hospital for help, but was turned away. He says the family is grieving […]
The Saskatchewan government has released a new suicide prevention plan that, it says, will promote life and reduce risk factors related to suicide in the province. The plan is called Pillars for Life: The Saskatchewan Suicide Prevention Plan and was released Friday by Rural and Remote Health Minister Warren Kaeding, as a collaborative approach to […]
Just smiling or saying hi can go a long way in making someone’s day. That’s according to Michelle Buglas, a manager with the Saskatchewan Health Authority’s Mental Health and Addiction Services. She says a study showed that people who survived a suicide attempt said a simple smile from a stranger would have prevented them from […]