Touchdown for Kids Millionaire Lottery

Prince Albert man wins Touchdown for Kids Millionaire Lottery grand prize

Jan 30, 2020 | 5:31pm

Ron Lypchuk of Prince Albert is the grand prize winner of $1-million in the Touchdown for Kids Millionaire Lottery. “Are you serious? Oh, I can’t believe this. Are you sure you aren’t pulling my leg?” Lypchuk said after first receiving the news. The Touchdown for Kids Millionaire Lottery featured 2,100 prizes, including the grand prize […]

Swift Current woman wins Touchdown for Kids Millionaire Lottery early bird draw

Dec 5, 2019 | 5:40pm

Christine Newton from Swift Current is the lucky winner of $500,000 in the early bird draw of the Touchdown for Kids Millionaire Lottery. “Oh my gosh! This is really shocking,” Christine said after first receiving the news alongside her husband Ken. The early bird prize draw happened on Thursday. The grand prize of  grand prize […]

Roughriders and Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation announce new Millionaire Lottery

Sep 20, 2019 | 11:01am

The Saskatchewan Roughriders and the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation have announced the launch of the new Touchdown for Kids Millionaire Lottery. The lottery will make a new instant millionaire out of a lucky person, it’s also expected to raise a significant amount of funds for both the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation and the […]

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