Dutch elm disease has re-emerged in the city of Regina. The tree was found on Lincoln Drive in the city’s south end, and was beside another tree that had dutch elm last year. City spokesperson Russell Eirich said there are warning signs to watch for. “You’re going to see the leaves start to wilt, they’ll […]
Regina has been enjoying several beautiful nights over the past few weeks with no or very little sign of mosquitoes. The city continues treating large bodies of standing water both inside and outside the city hoping this can continue, but they also have a warning. The Culex Tarsalis mosquito, the one that carries West Nile […]
The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health is advising people to prepare for mosquitoes, and more importantly west nile virus. The peak season for west nile cases is between June and September, but so far in 2019, there have been no confirmed cases. Deputy Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Denise Werker said there is a certain type […]