Weyburn General Hospital

Weyburn mayor speaks on hospital closing to non-COVID patients

Jan 21, 2021 | 2:02pm

Services are being limited at the Weyburn General Hospital for non-COVID-19 patients following a decision from the Saskatchewan Health Authority on Wednesday to solely care for COVID-19 patients in inpatient wards. Weyburn Mayor Marcel Roy understands the news may be difficult for some residents in the city and surrounding area, but he said people are […]

Weyburn General Hospital closed off to COVID-19 patients only

Jan 20, 2021 | 4:19pm

The Weyburn General Hospital is now closed to all but COVID-19 patients. The Saskatchewan Health Authority has decided to shift hospital care to COVID-19 patients on inpatient wards while moving other patients to hospitals in the surrounding area such as Estevan. Emergency services will still be available in Weyburn and will still be accessible to […]

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