Colin Thatcher

Cabinet minister apologizes for defending Colin Thatcher at throne speech

Nov 2, 2022 | 5:31am

Saskatchewan’s policing minister has apologized for defending the attendance of a notorious convicted killer at her government’s tough-on-crime throne speech last week. Christine Tell says she shares Premier Scott Moe’s apology from Monday. She says she was wrong and she’s sorry for the words she used. Colin Thatcher, who was convicted of first-degree murder in […]

Premier apologizes after killer invited to throne speech

Oct 31, 2022 | 1:17pm

Premier Scott Moe apologized Monday after an infamous killer attended the government’s tough-on-crime throne speech last week — and went a step further by stripping caucus duties from the member who invited Colin Thatcher. While he didn’t extend the invite to Thatcher, Moe said he is ultimately responsible as premier and leader of the government […]

Premier stops short of apologizing after killer invited to throne speech

Oct 27, 2022 | 4:07pm

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said it’s unfortunate a member of the legislative assembly invited a notorious killer to watch his government’s tough-on-crime throne speech, but he stopped short of apologizing for Colin Thatcher’s presence in the legislature. “Me? What would I apologize for?” Moe said Thursday. “This is an individual (member) who invited someone, not […]

MLA Stewart statement, reason for inviting Thatcher to Throne Speech

Oct 27, 2022 | 9:56am

It wasn’t a great image. A convicted murderer sitting in the legislature chamber for a Speech from the Throne supposedly about reducing crime, and increasing the public’s safety. Former Saskatchewan MLA and cabinet minister Colin Thatcher was convicted of murdering his ex-wife, Jo-Ann Wilson.  He spend more than 20 years in jail for the crime, […]

Convicted wife killer Colin Thatcher at tough-on-crime Saskatchewan throne speech

Oct 27, 2022 | 4:24am

Saskatchewan kicked off its fall legislative session Wednesday with a tough-on-crime throne speech presented while a former cabinet minister turned notorious convicted killer sat in the chamber. Colin Thatcher, 84, said he was happy to accept an invitation from his good friend, Saskatchewan Party legislature member Lyle Stewart. Wearing a blazer and bolo tie, Thatcher […]