NDP raises concern about a crisis in Sask schools

Oct 24, 2019 | 11:57am

  The NDP is calling on the SaskParty government to resolve a crisis in Saskatchewan classrooms. Opposition leader Ryan Meili says overcrowded classrooms affect the quality of education and create unsafe conditions for students. Meili says overcrowded classrooms are seeing more violence and a lower quality of education. Premier Scott Moe says the SaskParty government […]

Singh promises programs, funding to get new jobs for oilsands workers

Oct 12, 2019 | 3:00pm

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is pledging to help oilsands workers find new jobs outside the sector if his party forms government and implements its plan to combat climate change. His party’s climate change plan calls for cutting subsidies to oil and gas companies as a way to fuel the transition towards renewable energy sources — […]

Sask. NDP wants government to reverse suspension of net metering

Oct 10, 2019 | 3:05pm

The solar power community and the Saskatchewan NDP are calling on the provincial government to bring back the now-suspended net metering program. NDP finance critic Trent Wotherspoon stated he wants the government to do the right thing and reverse their decision. “This decision was made with no consultation, blindsided this industry, and sadly, now the businesses […]

Singh Brings Campaign to Saskatoon

Oct 4, 2019 | 12:28pm

University students who came out for the Federal NDP Leader’s campaign stop in Saskatoon say the NDP’s platform is for the people. Among the NDP’s promises are to extend full public dental coverage and to change the way Canada does procurement. Singh also outlined reasons why he believes the procurement process in Canada needs to […]

NDP Leader hosts town hall in Saskatoon

Oct 3, 2019 | 3:29pm

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is making a stop in Saskatoon Friday. Singh is expected to visit Le Relais-Federation Des Francophones De Saskatoon in a town hall style event. He plans on sharing his party’s vision for a more affordable Canada. The event is expected to run from 8:15am to 9:30am. Singh is the third party […]

Trudeau and Scheer attack Ford and Wynne in battle for bountiful Ontario

Sep 23, 2019 | 5:38pm

OTTAWA — Ontario leaders — old and current — were pinned in the crossfire of Justin Trudeau and Andrew Scheer’s battle Monday for the vote-rich province that’s the gateway to federal victory. Their fight focused in large part on whether a Liberal or a Conservative government would be best suited to work with the provinces to protect Canada’s public health-care system. Over in Atlantic Canada, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and Green Leader […]

NDP reacts to SaskPower’s net metering program capping out

Sep 20, 2019 | 10:17am

Saskatchewan has the best solar exposure in the country and it needs to be put to good use. That from NDP Leader Ryan Meili in reaction to the news that SaskPower’s net metering program has reached its cap, meaning no more customers can take advantage of it for solar installations and premium credits. SaskPower said […]

Moe, Meili comment on potash layoffs and vacant provincial seats

Sep 12, 2019 | 5:37pm

Premier Scott Moe is concerned with the layoffs announced by Nutrien to its work force at their Allan, Vanscoy and Lanigan mines. The decision was made public earlier this week after the company chose to close down the three facilities for eight weeks starting in November. The premier talked about the importance to stay engaged […]