Sask Party

Sask Party Government Claims win over CRA, but many hurdles remain-UPDATE

Sask Party Government Claims win over CRA, but many hurdles remain-UPDATE

Jul 16, 2024 | 10:40am
There is an old saying, “you can’t fight the tax collector”. The Sask. Party Government is trying to prove that wrong in its on-going fight over carbon tax money Ottawa says Saskatchewan owes. All of this is over the Saskatchewan’s outright opposition to the carbon tax in the first place. A case it lost in […]
Sask Government and Feds avoid court hearing on carbon tax money.

Sask Government and Feds avoid court hearing on carbon tax money.

Jul 13, 2024 | 9:17pm
Monday morning in Vancouver lawyers for the Government of Saskatchewan and lawyers for the Federal Government were going to argue in Federal Court over an attempt by the Canada Revenue Agency to recover millions of dollars in carbon tax money. Now the case has been adjourned, and neither side is saying why, at least clearly. […]
Premier Moe’s popularity slips slightly.

Premier Moe’s popularity slips slightly.

Jun 26, 2024 | 9:25am
Premier Scott Moe us finding himself in unfamiliar territory. Moe has seen his popularity in Saskatchewan slip four points to 49 percent in the latest poll by Angus Reid. That places Moe third among his colleagues in other provinces. Premier Moe’s popularity has had some peaks and valleys over the years. He hit a low […]
Sask Party Government Refusing to Accept Clean Energy Regulations from Ottawa.

Sask Party Government Refusing to Accept Clean Energy Regulations from Ottawa.

Jun 25, 2024 | 1:52pm
Essentially the message from the Sask Party Government is “we will see you in court.” All of this comes from the federal government’s Clean Energy Regulations (CER). A tribunal called the “Sask First Tribunal” was hand picked by the provincial government to review regulations like this, and the potential impact on Saskatchewan and the economy. […]
Sask. Party Government ignoring requests from privacy commissioner to release documents: report

Sask. Party Government ignoring requests from privacy commissioner to release documents: report

Jun 20, 2024 | 3:13pm
Saskatchewan’s privacy commissioner says the provincial government has refused dozens of his requests over the last year to release public information. A report from Ron Kruzeniski says there were 84 times government ministries and agencies partially or fully ignored his requests to have documents made public. It says public bodies fully yielded information in 45 […]
Ten People Honoured, with the Saskatchewan Order of Merit

Ten People Honoured, with the Saskatchewan Order of Merit

Jun 20, 2024 | 10:48am
On Wednesday night, ten people from Saskatchewan were awarded the Saskatchewan Order of Merit for their contributions to their communities and to the province. The awards are handed out by the Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty at Government House in Regina. The Order of Merit was set up in 1985 to recognize the achievements of people […]
Saskatchewan’s Population Grows by Over 30,000 in one year.

Saskatchewan’s Population Grows by Over 30,000 in one year.

Jun 19, 2024 | 10:57am
Saskatchewan is continuing to grow to record numbers. As of April 1st of this year, 1,231,043 people now call Saskatchewan home. According to the numbers from the provincial government, released by Statistics Canada, the population has increased by 30,503 people year over year. That’s almost enough to fill Mosaic Stadium. The Sask Party Government is […]
Federal diplomatic blunders not impeding Sask India exports, Moe says

Federal diplomatic blunders not impeding Sask India exports, Moe says

Jun 18, 2024 | 5:08pm
REGINA – Premier Scott Moe says direct relationships with foreign governments are key to protecting exports, especially during these recent times of choppy relations with India.  Saskatchewan now has nine international trade offices – including one in New Delhi, India – which the premier says have helped protect Saskatchewan exporters from trade barriers. “Those offices […]
MLA Greg Lawrence pleads not guilty; trial date to be set in July

MLA Greg Lawrence pleads not guilty; trial date to be set in July

Jun 12, 2024 | 1:54pm
MOOSE JAW — Moose Jaw MLA Gregory Samuel Lawrence has pleaded not guilty to the two charges against him, while the Crown and defence are now searching for a day to hold his trial. Lawrence, 58, was not present in Moose Jaw Provincial Court on June 12 when his matters were discussed. Instead, defence lawyer […]
NDP Formally Requests Investigation Into Allegations from Speaker

NDP Formally Requests Investigation Into Allegations from Speaker

Jun 6, 2024 | 10:53am
The Saskatchewan NDP is asking the speaker of the legislature to convene the Standing Committee on House Services, to probe allegations made by the speaker on the last day of the sitting last month. As the house was about to adjourn for the summer, and more than likely, until an election in October, Randy Weekes […]