Saskatchewan Party

Saskatchewan Party raises $3.6M, leads in donations ahead of election

Saskatchewan Party raises $3.6M, leads in donations ahead of election

May 3, 2024 | 12:20pm
 Scott Moe’s Saskatchewan Party has received millions of more dollars in donations compared with rivals ahead of this year’s election.  Fiscal returns to Elections Saskatchewan show the governing party raised $3.6 million from donors last year. The Opposition New Democrats had raised $1.4 million. The Saskatchewan United Party, which has one member in the legislature, […]
NDP calling for Education Minister to resign

NDP calling for Education Minister to resign

Apr 22, 2024 | 8:01pm
 The opposition New Democrats have called for the resignation of Education Minister Jeremy Cockrill on Monday, on the heels of a major verbal gaffe by Cockrill during a meeting with a mother whose daughter had recently died. “Time and time again, Jeremy Cockrill shows that he lacks the empathy and honestly needed to be the Education […]
Province changing how it procures hotels for those on social assistance

Province changing how it procures hotels for those on social assistance

Feb 9, 2024 | 2:52pm
The Saskatchewan government says it’s changing how it procures hotels for those on social assistance after a motel owned by a legislature member raised rates when the province paid.  The Saskatchewan Party government says in a letter released Friday it will now get quotes from three hotels and direct people to the cheapest one while […]
Sask Party MLA resigns from Caucus

Sask Party MLA resigns from Caucus

Jan 30, 2024 | 4:59pm
Sask Party MLA for the Moose Jaw-Wakamow constituency Greg Lawrence announced he has resigned from the Saskatchewan Party Caucus, according to statement released Tuesday afternoon. The decision by Lawrence to resign comes amid an ongoing police investigation “into historical complaints unrelated to his duties as an MLA for Moose Jaw Wakamow”. The statement goes on […]
Sask Party Tables Financial Protections for Victims of Human Trafficking

Sask Party Tables Financial Protections for Victims of Human Trafficking

Nov 23, 2023 | 11:00am
The Saskatchewan government has introduced The Protection for Human Trafficking (Coerced Debts) Amendment Act to shield victims from the aftermath of coerced debts. Justice Minister and Attorney General Bronwyn Eyre stressed the significance, stating, “This is about reducing dependency between victims and their traffickers, who often force victims to take out loans on their behalf […]
Moe says he’s repulsed after legislature member allegedly procured sex

Moe says he’s repulsed after legislature member allegedly procured sex

Nov 21, 2023 | 7:49am
Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe says allegations that a legislature member procured sex are vile and disgusting.  Moe told reporters Monday he took immediate action to remove Ryan Domotor from government caucus after police informed the premier of a charge involving the Saskatchewan Party backbencher.  “This is not acceptable in any way, by myself, by this […]
Sask. Party MLA kicked from caucus

Sask. Party MLA kicked from caucus

Nov 17, 2023 | 3:17pm
Premier Scott Moe announced that he had removed Ryan Domotor from the government caucus and stripped him of all government appointments and responsibilities. Domotor, the current MLA for Cutknife-Turtleford, has been charged under Section 286.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada, according to a news release from the Government of Saskatchewan. Section 286.1 is communicating […]
Saskatchewan Party MLA’s motel accused of raising rates for social assistance client

Saskatchewan Party MLA’s motel accused of raising rates for social assistance client

Nov 15, 2023 | 2:29pm
Saskatchewan’s Opposition NDP has accused a company owned by a member of the legislature of hiking motel rates for a social assistance recipient. The NDP said Wednesday it’s demanding answers after the Sunrise Motel in Regina increased rates when the Ministry of Social Services started to cover the costs for Evelyn Harper, who was evicted […]
Province introduces poppy-wearing legislation

Province introduces poppy-wearing legislation

Nov 1, 2023 | 4:27pm
The province has introduced legislation today to protect the rights of workers to wear a poppy. Labour relations minister Don McMorris said in a media release that “Providing the right for workers to wear a poppy while in the workplace is a way to honour the sacrifice veterans and their families have made.” The legislation provides […]
Saskatchewan school left with hole in roof

Saskatchewan school left with hole in roof

Oct 10, 2023 | 11:29am
A school in Saskatoon has a gaping hole in its roof, leading to questions from the NDP about the government’s lack of action in addressing the issue. Back in June, concerned parents and school administrators took Saskatoon MLAs, including the Sask. Party’s Gordon Wyant and Marv Friesen, on a tour of Monique-Rousseau School. During the […]