Regina’s NDP female candidates gathered in Victoria Park Saturday to promise increased gender equality if their party were to form government. Regina Lakeview Candidate Carla Beck says one of the main focuses of the NDP is to make sure women feel that they are heard. “We’re all here today because we believe that Saskatchewan women […]
A national initiative called Canada Powered by Women is mobilizing in Regina Thursday to engage more women in political talk. This campaign is mainly on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, but the group thought it would be good to bring women face-to-face to discuss the election and political issues. Spokesperson Lucy Miller says […]
Young women in the Regina area had the opportunity to take part in a workshop encouraging the trades industry. The Mind Over Metal workshop was held at Sask Polytechnic in Regina this past week and will be heading to Moose Jaw and Prince Albert campuses this week and next. It’s purpose? To help women get […]