Christine Niemczyk

High number of calls province-wide for assistance from CAA

Dec 22, 2022 | 3:50pm

It’s super cold and roads are incredibly icy here in Saskatchewan, and the conditions are a challenge for even the best drivers out there. Christine Niemczyk said CAA Saskatchewan is fielding a high volume of calls related to vehicles needing a boost or a tow. “The number of calls that we’re counting within the last […]

CAA urging Sask. drivers to #unpluganddrive

Oct 19, 2020 | 4:32am

CAA Saskatchewan is launching a new distracted driving campaign called #unpluganddrive. Spokesperson Christine Niemczyk says the campaign is targeted at the younger generation of drivers. “This campaign really talks to a generation, perhaps, that are still using their mobile phone, sometimes not only just for phoning or for texting,” said Niemczyk. “We’re finding that with […]

CAA says high percentage of youth drive while high

Sep 21, 2020 | 9:01am

Roughly 20 percent of people between the ages of 18 to 24 have either driven while high on cannabis or got in a vehicle with a high driver according to a study conducted by CAA Canada. Spokesperson for CAA Saskatchewan Christine Niemczyk says this is concerning data. “We know from the same audience that we […]