
City of Saskatoon asking residents to limit water use Christmas Eve

Dec 24, 2020 | 12:49pm

The city of Saskatoon is asking all Saskatoon residents to restrict water usage to essential usage only. This is due to large amounts of sand from the river making its way to the primary intake of the Water Treatment Plant, blocking the water intake. The Water Treatment Plant is switching to the backup intake on […]

Water Security Agency points to dry soil conditions at freeze-up

Dec 11, 2020 | 11:22am

The Water Security Agency says most of the grainbelt has entered the winter drier than normal. The freeze-up report says the area east of Gravelbourg and south of Yorkton have severe dry conditions. Exceptions are the extreme southwest and northern portions of the grainbelt where conditions are near normal. Some smaller water reservoirs and dugouts […]

Sask launches 11 water management demo projects

Jul 21, 2020 | 4:23am

  The Saskatchewan government has outlined a million dollar comprehensive study of water management in the province. Lyle Stewart is the legislative secretary to the minister for the Water Security Agency. Stewart says there are 11 water management demonstration projects to be undertaken across Saskatchewan. Stewart says areas of farm research and demonstration include crop […]

Sask spring runoff to be about average in 2020

Feb 7, 2020 | 11:57am

  The Saskatchewan Water Security Agency says the preliminary outlook is for an average runoff this spring for most of the province. Patrick Boyle with the Water Agency says well below normal snowfall so far is offset by an extremely wet fall in parts of the southeast and southwest. He says snowfall may be below […]

Sask. farm leaders express mixed opinions on Canada Water Agency

Dec 20, 2019 | 6:00am

Saskatchewan farm leaders are expressing mixed emotions about the new Canada Water Agency. The agency is one of the key goals of the new Trudeau government and would work with the provinces, scientists and others to manage water resources. APAS president Todd Lewis says the Water Agency was part of the Liberal election platform this […]

Regina council discussing quicker removal of lead-pipe waterlines at special meeting

Dec 3, 2019 | 11:32am

Regina mayor Michael Fougere and city councillors will be sitting down Tuesday afternoon for a special meeting. Council wants to speed up the Lead Service Connection Management Program. The decision to do that came after an investigation by several groups including the U of R School of Journalism found that 5 percent of Regina’s water […]

City of Regina keeping busy with people wanting to know about their water

Nov 7, 2019 | 1:02pm

The City of Regina says a number of calls have been received since word came down earlier this week about high levels of lead-tainted water in some homes. Kurtis Doney with the water and sewer department says they would usually get five calls a month, but since the report was released Monday they have gotten […]

City of Regina responds to concerns over lead levels in tap water

Nov 4, 2019 | 3:55pm

The City of Regina has responded to concerns over traceable levels of lead in tap water in certain parts of the city. This comes after a study was recently released saying water in Saskatoon, Moose Jaw and Regina have levels of lead in their drinking water, as well as Montreal and Toronto. The three Saskatchewan […]

Water worries for Regina, Moose Jaw and Saskatoon after report indicates increased lead levels

Nov 4, 2019 | 8:26am

Some of the highest levels of lead-tainted water in Canada can be found in Saskatchewan. A report in Monday’s “Regina Leader-Post” stated that 58 per cent of samples collected between 2013 and 2018 in “older” homes in the province’s three largest cities measured lead levels that were above Health Canada’s recommended limit. In fact, the report […]